
 High school is a whirlwind of victories, unique styles, and everyday tales that make your journey one-of-a-kind. Whether you're a student athlete scoring big on the field or a non-athlete navigating the daily high school scene, I'm here to capture the real you. As not just a photographer but also your personal confidence coach, I specialize in elevating your senior photos by blending the energy of your sports triumphs with the unique style that's all you.

Let's create a senior session that not only freezes those remarkable moments but also celebrates the fusion of sports and style, making your senior photos a true reflection of your individuality. Your journey deserves to be highlighted in a way that stands out, and I'm here to boost your confidence every step of the way.

Your go-to photographer for freezing those awesome high school moments.

I'm Amy

Hi Friend!

Amy cook, Senior Photographer


I was once like you – a student athlete navigating the halls of high school, juggling basketball games and the thrill of running both indoor and outdoor track. Sports were my escape in the small town I called home; they provided purpose and passion.

After graduating from high school, I traded my athletic gear for textbooks and became a teacher. Little did I know, I was about to marry into football. Suddenly, I found myself cheering in the stands at college and high school games, absorbing the energy and excitement of the field.
Then, I became a mom to Madalyne and Dean, and I evolved into a four-season sports mom. From the stands, I started capturing candid moments of my husband coaching and my kids playing.

Eventually, I found my way onto the sidelines with some of the football players – #sidelinesnaps became my thing. Now, a camera is practically glued to my hands. My true life story has come full circle, from the student athlete I once was to the sideline photographer capturing the essence of the game.

I was once exactly like you.

My true life story

My goal is to capture the true you including the things you love to do!  Sports, hobbies, fashion and more tell the story of who you are so let's capture it all...together!

Sports. Style. Individuality. Fun!

Let's create images that truly reflect your individuality and make your senior year one to remember.

Want senior photos that reflect the real you?

HGTV and Rom-Coms

Go to binge show

A Pair of Nike Airmax + a Comfy Sweatsuit

Can't live without

Peppermint Mocha & Hazelnut Mocha

favorite starbucks order


Dream vacation


favorite sport to


favorite sport to watch

You May Not Know About Me

6 Fun Facts


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